Boo-zy Tales of Monsters

Boo-zy Tales pays homage to terrifying creatures from global folklore, pairing each with a locally tied alcoholic beverage. Featured spirits include Korea's nine-tailed fox and a fitting black-raspberry wine, Ghana's trickster god Anansi and akpeteshie, the aswang of Philippines and Lambanog, the Dominican Republic's Ciguapa with mamajuana, and Peru's Yacumama serpent with pisco.

The Maze

"The Maze" is a horror film about Gerald, who inherits a Scottish castle plagued with strange events. His fiancee and her aunt travel to Scotland to investigate. Despite narrative flaws, the movie’s strong atmosphere and final emotional scenes make it enjoyable.

Dark Purpose

The exchange program between Italian and American film industries in the 50s and 60s, known as "Hollywood on the Tiber," fostered cross-cultural collaboration and resource sharing. The giallo-lite thriller "Dark Purpose," directed by George Marshall and shadow-directed by Vittorio Sala, reflects this era's cinematic amalgamation.

Troll Hunter

"Troll Hunter" is a compelling Norwegian film that transcends the typical "found footage" genre, showcasing an exciting narrative about a government agent controlling rogue trolls. It creatively blends traditional troll folklore with high-quality CGI effects, a likable cast, and a subtle comedic undertone.